Napoleon crossing the Alps.
Oil painting on stretched canvas.
This painting was created over 100 years ago, most likely by a student copying the original painting by Delaroche on exhibit in the Wallace Collection of London. It has a small tear and was extremely dark with discolored varnish and dirt. Cleaning the painting brought it back to life.
A.E. Backus 1906 - 1990
Oil painting on artists board
This painting by the renowned Florida landscape painter Beanie Backus was found after many years of storage in a garden shed. Some of the original paint was missing and it was covered with dirt and splattered house paint. The painting was carefully cleaned and the areas where paint had flaked off were filled and retouched. Two coats of a non yellowing picture varnish ware applied to protect and enhance the color.
Early American Child Portrait
Oil painting on stretched canvas
The varnish on this painting had discolored over the years and the canvas was weak and brittle simply from age. This contributed to the paint cracking. The canvas was cleaned and lined and was then able to be restretched onto the original stretcher bars.
British artist, J. P. Steadman, circa mid 19th century
Oil painting on stretched canvas
19th century painting 5 feet high by 3 feet wide. Affected by smoke. Cleaned, all smoke residue removed, lined, varnished and ready for hanging.
Primative landscape unsigned
Oil painting on stretched canvas
This painting had been left stored on a cement floor for many years. The rising damp caused the ground (gesso) to fail on the bottom edge and subsequently the paint to loosen and fall off. In addition the varnish had darkened and yellowed as it aged. The painting was lined, cleaned, retouched and varnished with a non-yellowing picture varnish to protect it for years to come.
19th Century Formal Portrait
Oil painting on stretched canvas
Painting was incorrectly framed behind glass, causing moisture to be trapped and creating stiff creases. The creases were eased out by applying gradual pressure and low heat. It is now restored, and made ready for hanging.
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Copyright Tess Everett Murphy